
Friday 26 October 2018

Community Service Rubbish Clean Up

Today the Panmure Bridge School, leaders partook in an special event, whom involve three different school. This event was held in the 24 Wednesday 2018, at roughly 9:30. We did this to help our community. What we were to do was clean up as much rubbish as we could along our way to Point England reserve. We were accompanied and supervised by Miss Page (Kiwi Can Tutor) and Jordan (SWIS Worker). Like I said, we weren't the only ones picking up rubbish. Glenn Taylor, Tamaki Primary, and Glen Brae were also part of this. This was a great opportunity for us to make our community clean and rubbish free. In our journey we found that Dunkirk park had the most rubbish. We found lots of alcohol bottles, cans, and fizzy cans. It is really sad to see so much rubbish. Even our plastic bags were filled.

Tech - Art - Mrs Telefoni

Today at tech, most of the students in Mrs Telefoni's Art group are up to drawing, colouring and carving on their wooden block. I am really pleased with myself since, I've completed all of the following steps, I even finished dying my first colour, which is yellow. I am currently doing my second dye. I am censored about one thing, which is waiting for the dye to dry. Hopefully I finished dying my block using all of the appropriate dyes next week.

Thursday 25 October 2018

Maths | Circumference, Radius, Diameter, Pi

 Today for maths, we were learning to find the Radius, Diameter, Circumference and Pi of a Circle. To start of our maths session, Ms Kirkpatrick's maths group, watch a short clip about our topic. Once we've finished watching the clip, we were to completed a series of equations. After that we were to create a DLO, which explains how we solved, three questions, we got in the series. For this task I work collaboratively with Jack and Julian.

Friday 19 October 2018

Tech Reflection Term 4 Week 1

Today we had our first session of art tech. Most people in Mrs Telefoni's art groups, were up to drawing on their wooden block, however some students are still drawing and colouring on the A4 paper. I am really proud of myself because I am the only student who is up to dying our carved wooden block. Which means, I've finished drawing on A4 paper, coloured it, drawn my image on a wooden block, coloured the wooden block using the same colour used on the A4 paper, carved and up to dying it with dye.

Kiwi Can - Reflection - Term 4 - Week 1

Yesterday we had our first Kiwi Can session for term 4. Our theme this term is Respect. Firstly we talked about Respect for our school.

What Does Respect Mean And How I Can Show It
Respect it a powerful word. It can be shown anywhere,
and anyway.

"I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university." -                                                                                                         - Quote By Albert Einstein
I can show respect by...

  • Keeping our environment clean
  • Listening careful my teachers' instructions.
  • Putting recyclable items in the recycling bin 
 and more.

What Are Our Rules.
At Panmure Bridge School, we have numerous amount of rules.
These are some of our rules.
  • Being friendly to each other
  • Staying on task at all time
  • Do not speak back to the teacher or any person in a nude manner.
  • Do not leave the school ground before 3 o'clock and after 9 o'clock

Why Do We Have Rule.
We have these rules to keep us safe, and these rules change who we were to who we will be in the future in a positive way.

Now lets get back to what we did in Kiwi Can.
After we've finished talking about respect, we went onto our energiser, our Kiwi Can tutors asked us to spilt into two groups. We did this because our Kiwi Can teachers wanted us to debate about two topics they gave us. Our first topic was 'Why We Should Allow Fizzy Drinks At Our School and Why We Shouldn't Allow Fizzy Drinks At Our School?.' We were to debate about Why We Should Have Fizzy Drinks At Our School. Everyone spoke well and confidently, unfortunately our opposing team, managed to persuade and our next topic was 'Why We Should Have Rules and Why We Shouldn't.' Our opposing team we lucky to get easy topic, and we got 'Why We Shouldn't Have Rules.' I personally think we should have rules. However we took this sportively and managed to come up with a few reasons why we shouldn't have rules, even though we knew they are false. Everyone spoke well and with confident. Luckily we managed win, this debation, I am really proud of myself because, somehow my team won because of the point I gave, which was. "Rules have a value when it being followed, but if no one follows it, it's just a word, and it has no value to it.

That Was Winter | Whangarei Falls

For writing this week, Ms Kirkpatrick's writing groups were focusing on, poetry. Firstly we read, a poem called That Was Winter. After that we were to look for three important elements which were the language features, Interesting Vocabulary and the verbs. I managed to find lots of verbs, for example running. After that we were to think of some things we did during winter, and make our own poem about it. When we've finished our poem we were illustrate one of the things we did during the winter. As you can see I've illustrated a Waterfall.

Thursday 18 October 2018

New Zealand Shakeout.

Today at approximately 9:30, an alarm went off. The reason it went off is because today is New Zealand Shakeout day. A Shakeout day happens once every year, this year it was on the 18th of November at 9:30. This event is a reminder for people who forgot or don’t know what to do during an earthquake. What we learnt from this is, during an earthquake we have to drop, cover, and hold. Which means, drop down, crawl under something that will protect you, for example table, and hold on to any object that will prevent you from moving. After the drill has finished, we were asked to created an DLO, (Digital Learning Object) telling our audience what to do during an earthquake.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Maths - Rounding Decimals Soccer Game

This week for maths we Ms Kirkpatrick's maths group did a Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division test. In this test we were given decimal equations to solve. There was rough 8 question on each topic. I got two mistakes because I read the question wrong. However I went back and rewrote the questions and managed to get them all correct. After we've completed the test, we were to go on a game called Round Decimals Soccer Game. In this game our task was to round the numbers we were give to the rarest whole number.