
Monday 17 December 2018

Where Am I

For the past couple of weeks Learning Space 2 have been working on a challenge called Where Am I? For this challenge we were to find the locations and facts about places, buildings and etc. This may sound easy, but It's not. Our challenge was to use our smart searching skills to find mysterious locations. What I mean by this is that the places we were given was given to us without the names. To solve this issue, I used an website called google images. For this task I worked with Jack.

Tuesday 11 December 2018

Recipe For Pavlova

This week Learning Space 2 have started doing a new task. This task is called The City Sails. This task for pretty easy to do, because we weren't told to do a certain activity rather we were given the opportunity to choose an activity out many and work on that. Our goal is to complete and blog at least 5 activities and publish them on our blogs.

This is my fourth challenge. This challenge in about finding a recipe for a delicious food called Pavlova.  

Labelling The Coat Of Arms NZ

This week Learning Space 2 have started doing a new task. This task is called The City Sails. This task for pretty easy to do, because we weren't told to do a certain activity rather we were given the opportunity to choose an activity out many and work on that. Our goal is to complete and blog at least 5 activities and publish them on our blogs.

This is my third activity. For this task, my I was to label, what each image in the New Zealand coat of arms. For some images I've written a small description on what it represents and for the rest I've put in one to two word labelling.

TinkerCad | Use tinkercad to build a model of an Auckland landmark

This week Learning Space 2 have started doing a new task. This task is called The City Sails. This task for pretty easy to do, because we weren't told to do a certain activity rather we were given the opportunity to choose an activity out many and work on that. Our goal is to complete and blog at least 5 activities and publish them on our blogs.

This is the second activity I've completed. For this activity I were construct an Auckland Landmark using this website called TinkerCad.

Auckland | Collage

This week Learning Space 2 have started doing a new task. This task is called The City Sails. This task for pretty easy to do, because we weren't told to do a certain activity rather we were given the opportunity to choose an activity out many and work on that. Our goal is to complete and blog at least 5 activities and publish them on our blogs.

This is the first activity I have completed. For this activity I were to pick, New Zealand landmarks and make a collage.

Monday 10 December 2018

Victorian Ere | Steampunk Art

For the past couple of days, Learning Space two were learning about Victorian Era, or Victorian Britain. Victorian time was when Queen Victorian was in her position in England. Our first activity was to choose one of the task from Victorian time. We choose what toys children play with during that time. For this task I worked with Aung Naing. First to start of we went to multiple websites and used our smart searching skills to find information about our topic. After that we were to collect the information and make a google presentation or google drawing to show our work. When we were finished with our presentation we were to teach Mrs Anderson, what we learnt.
The follow task was about steam punk art. For this task we were to understand what steam punk is and how it works. I know that steampunk art is a mixture between antique machinery and things from the present. After we've learnt about steampunk we were to draw an steampunk art using paper and pen. After that we were to trace our drawn image onto our devices and make an DLO about it.